david werkhiser, consummate entertainer W  o  w  W  e  b  C  e  n  t  r  a  l  ! Home              wowSongs
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Depending on your computer speed, and even more-so, your internet connection  (Dial-Up=turtle / DSL=bunny / Cable=hummingbird),
a showcase may-or-may-not take a while to load up, so hang in there ..... Davey's worth the wait !


==   SHOWCASE  1  ==

Davey Performing At A


[ a brief write-up from Davey will go here ]
                                                                                    length: 12:46   

let me entertain you (let me make you smile)



==   SHOWCASE  2  ==

Davey Performing At A

" [to be announced] "

[ a brief write-up from Davey will go here ]
                                                                                    length: _:_   

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==   SHOWCASE  3  ==

Davey Performing At A

" [to be announced] "

[ a brief write-up from Davey will go here ]
                                                                                    length: _:_   

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==   SHOWCASE  4  ==

Davey Performing At A

" [to be announced] "

[ a brief write-up from Davey will go here ]
                                                                                    length: _:_   

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==   SHOWCASE  5  ==

Davey Performing At A

" [to be announced] "

[ a brief write-up from Davey will go here ]
                                                                                    length: _:_   

flag placeholder


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wowPics             "   Karaoke
wowFriends     tommySolo
famousFriends    "   Vidcast
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